Have your ice cream and eat it too 🍦

‘Tis the season for all the frozen treats! 🍦 And while you’re eating the ice cream cone everything is good, but the minute you finish the guilt and self-hatred start. 😭 "Why did I eat that when I don't feel great in my swimsuit?" "I promised myself I'd do better." "How much will I have to workout the rest of this week to undo what I just did?"

I know what it feels like, girl… cutting out carbs, restricting sugar during the week, and binging on ice cream over the weekend--it's a vicious cycle!🌀

Carbs are something I get asked a lot about….

Are carbs bad?

But how much bread should I actually eat?

What type dessert is the best choice?

Is quinoa better than rice?

What if I just can't give up sugar completely?


In the world of Keto, Paleo, Sugar-Free and Whole-30, it's no wonder we are confused.🤔 Want to know how to have it all? Used in the right way carbs (and sugar!) are actually an amazing energy source for our body. 🔥 (Is the inner dessert-lover in you jumping up and down right now? I hope so!) 🎊

So we like carbs (yay!) but now the question still sits…

How many carbs should you eat in a day?

What are the best types?

How do you include desserts in your diet while on a weight loss journey?


You need answers. Clear, concise, no-holds-barred answers. 🙋🏻‍♀️ And this is exactly what you get in as a client in my 6-week coaching program. You learn exactly how much of what types of carbs, protein and fat you should eat to hit your specific goals and lifestyle. 🙌

And the best news? You don't need to count calories or restrict your carbs to make it work. 😎 So….how does weight loss AND guilt-free dessert eating sound to you? 🌟


Your health “green thumb” 💚


With just one word…