Your health “green thumb” 💚

There I was, walking past my friend's gorgeous flower bed ⤴️ wondering what kind of green thumb magic she has between wiping the dripping sweat from my brow. IYKYK 🥵

Her zinnias are showing off BIG time this year, so I asked if she'd share her secret. Her response, “cut and come again.” Excuse me?! Please explain in non-gardener terms. 🤔

The more you cut these gorgeous flowers for your kitchen table, to gift to a friend or make a child smile the more flower grow. 🌸

The flower-lover in me smiled and the coach-part had a moment, for real.


Seems pretty similar to what grows up in our lives. The habits we cultivate and bring inside to our homes are the same habits that stick. Habits like: 

  • Tracking your food even on the busiest day of the week.

  • Hitting play on the workout even though you're beat.

  • Choosing to response in calm when you're hungry.

  • Turning off the blue light (ie. tv and phone) an hour before you go to bed.

You want more of those habits. You need more of those to get the full, beautiful, thriving garden of health. Another way to say it, “what you feed is what grows.”

So while you may not have that green thumb or a gorgeous bouquet of zinnias on your table, you're sure to sleep like a baby, easily lift the groceries and have all-day energy. 🙌

That’s the kind of I“life bouquet” you want to grow, isn’t it? 💐


Her house lost weight!🏡


Have your ice cream and eat it too 🍦